Our academic program for grades 6-10 is designed to challenge and inspire students to reach their full potential. This ensures that our students are well-prepared and equipped with the necessary knowledge to succeed in their academic pursuits and beyond.

- Topic-wise (Chapter wise) Maths books are given.
- Three books for each chapter are given – (1) Textbook (2) Classwork (3) Homework booklets
- Period-wise Homework booklets are given. The purpose of these booklets is to check the students’ understanding of the subject.
- Parents are requested to check completion of homework booklets by signing on them without fail (space is provided for signature).
- Remedial works are done in the classroom.

- Term-wise material is given which are of CCE standards.
- Material is divided into two books: Formative Tools Book – for writing by the students Improve Your Learning Book – which is to learn
- Formative Tools – for writing on their own by the children
- Improve Your Learning – to check their comprehending of the concepts Foundation bits are given for each lesson.
- Activities are done in the class.
- Science Practicals are conducted for majority of the Science Lessons.

- Lesson-wise material is given for classes 6, 7, 8. Please check the material for the contents.
- A separate Creative writing book is given for classes 6 and 7, term-wise.
- For class 8, creative writing is included in the material.
- For class 9, notebook is maintained.

- Term-wise material is given.
- Material is divided into two books:
- Formative Tools – for writing on their own by the children
- Improve Your Learning – to check their comprehending of the concepts

- Term-wise material is given for classes 6 & 7.
- For classes 8 & 9, a publisher book is followed.

- Relevant and necessary computer education is given for classes 6 – 9.
- 6 & 7 classes will be given a computer book.
- 8 & 9 classes will not be given any computer books.

Introduction To Cce Model Test
- An introduction test on CCE Model will be conducted on CCE subjects in the month of August.
- This is conducted to test the child’s understanding and to take action immediately.
- Jumbling of students is followed.
- Evaluated (Corrected) papers will be sent for your reference and checking.

Formative Tests & Summative Tests
- These tests are followed according to the government’s plan.
- Formative tests are conducted within the subject teaching periods.
- Revision days are given for Summative Tests.
- Progress cards will be issued.

Talent Tests & Competitions
- Children are encouraged to write Talent Tests to get a real-time experience of Competitive exams.
- Children are also made to participate in any interesting competitions conducted outside the school.

- Homework is carefully scheduled.
- We made sure that reading, writing, and working are covered.
- Please make sure that children do the work on their own as much as possible – try to be as a guide.
- Everyday, Maths homework is allotted.

Study Hour Programme
- Study hours exist in the school after school hours. (Please find the timings from your school principal.
- Kindly contact the Principal how a child is selected for the study-hour programme.
- Make sure to pack some snacks in case your child is in study-hour programme.

Seminar Days
- Five (5) Seminar Days are conducted.
- We request the parents to encourage their children and make them participate.
- The topics should be chosen by the students only.
- Each student will be given 5 – 7 minutes to present the topic.

Handwriting Development
- Children who need handwriting improvement are identified.
- A programme is set for them to improve their handwriting.
- These children are asked to stay in the evening after school hours.
- Even during the day, children are made to write at leisure times.
- Regular check on the Handwriting of all the students is conducted and action is taken.

Reading Development
- Children with reading difficulty are identified.
- And a special programme is planned for their improvement.
- Comprehension passages are given so as to improve the reading and understanding.