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Gandhi jayanti activities for kids

Gandhi Jayanti activity for kids & Kindergarten

Gandhi Jayanti, celebrated on October 2nd each year, is not just another holiday. It’s a special day to honor Mahatma Gandhi, the father of our nation, and his timeless principles of truth, non-violence, and peace. Engaging children in Gandhi Jayanti activities can help them learn about these values in a fun and interactive way. Here’s why these activities matter and some Gandhi Jayanti activities for kids & kindergartners.

Related: 10 Gandhi Jayanti Celebration Ideas

Why do activities on Gandhi Jayanti matter?

Activities on Gandhi Jayanti are important because they help students learn about Mahatma Gandhi’s life, principles, and teachings. They also educate students about India’s independence movement. In essence, these activities not only commemorate a great leader but also instill his values and teachings, which are essential for building a better society.

5 Gandhi Jayanti Activities for Kids

Gandhi Jayanti is around the corner, and it’s a great opportunity to engage kindergarten and kids in fun activities that help them learn about the life and principles of Mahatma Gandhi. Here are some of the best Gandhi Jayanti activities for kids that have been shared by educators at Dr. Kishore’s Ratnam Schools.

1. Craft Activities

Let’s get creative! Provide children with craft materials like paper, colors, ice cream sticks, and clay. Encourage them to make crafts related to Gandhi Ji’s life, such as creating models of Gandhi Ji with a spinning wheel or using ice cream sticks to make symbols like the charkha. This hands-on activity will help them understand Gandhi’s association with the spinning wheel and his simple lifestyle.

2. Knowledge Calendar

It’s time to create a special calendar! Have children work together to create a calendar themed around Gandhi Ji’s life events or using symbols like the charkha. They can also make a newspaper’s first page related to Gandhi Ji, highlighting important events from his life. This activity promotes research, teamwork, and creativity while learning about Gandhi’s contributions.

3. Videos and Documentaries

Lights, camera, action! Show videos and documentaries about the lives of Gandhi Ji and Shastri Ji in the classroom. This visual medium helps in bringing history to life and makes it easier for kids to relate to historical figures. They’ll learn about their struggles and contributions better, sparking curiosity and interest in Indian history.

4. Role Plays

Let’s enact history! Organize role plays where children present skits or presentations related to Gandhi Ji’s principles or experiences from his life. They can act out scenes from the Salt March, and Dandi March, or depict moments from Gandhi’s speeches. This activity encourages teamwork, and creativity, and helps children understand Gandhi’s philosophy through enactment.

5. Truth Telling Activity

Time for honesty! Encourage children to share situations where they told a lie, discuss why they did it, and then emphasize the importance of honesty. This activity aligns with Gandhi’s emphasis on truth and integrity, teaching children the value of honesty in their daily lives. It’s a great way to promote moral values and self-reflection.

What’s the one key lesson to teach kids On Gandhi Jayanti?

On Gandhi Jayanti, it’s important to teach kids about Gandhi’s message of peace and kindness. Help them understand that being like Gandhi means being truthful, treating others with respect, and solving problems without fighting. Encourage them to think about how their actions can make a positive difference in the world, just like Gandhi did with his nonviolent protests. It’s a day to inspire them to stand up against injustice with love and courage, showing that even small acts of kindness can create big changes.

Wrapping Up:

Gandhi Jayanti is not just a day off from school; it’s an opportunity to learn and celebrate the principles of truth, non-violence, and peace that Mahatma Gandhi stood for. By engaging children in Gandhi Jayanti activities, we can help them understand Gandhi’s life and teachings in a meaningful way. Let’s make this Gandhi Jayanti memorable by instilling valuable lessons that will stay with our children for life.

Here at Ratnam, we focus on providing a holistic education for your child.

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