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Gandhi Jayanti Celebration Ideas

10 Inspiring Gandhi Jayanti Celebration Ideas

Having teachers actively participate in school Gandhi Jayanti celebration ideas is important. It not only showcases their skills but also gives students valuable experiences. These celebrations help students learn meaningful and impactful lessons. Dr. Kishore’s Ratnam Schools, renowned in Andhra Pradesh, have come up with over seven ideas for Gandhi Jayanti celebrations at their campuses in Tirupati, Nellore, Kavali, and Srikalahasti.

10 Gandhi Jayanti Celebration Ideas

Let’s look at the 7+ Gandhi Jayanti celebration ideas mentioned below by the educators at Dr. Kishore’s Ratnam Schools. These ideas are applicable to all school teachers and are easy and effective for celebrating Gandhi Jayanti in schools.

1. Gandhi Ji’s Principles Inspire Creativity

Encourage students to express Gandhi Ji’s principles creatively through art, poetry, or storytelling. They can create posters, poems, or short stories depicting themes like non-violence, truth, and equality.

2. Interactive Learning Tools

Use interactive learning tools from Gujarat, where GandhiJi was born, to learn about his life and teachings. These tools can include multimedia presentations, interactive quizzes, and virtual tours of places connected to Gandhi Ji.

3. Art with Oil Pastels

Organize art sessions where students can create Gandhi-themed artwork using oil pastels. They can draw scenes from Gandhi Ji’s life, such as the Dandi March or his spinning wheel.

4. Learn About Gandhi’s Life and Teachings

Conduct educational sessions to teach students about Gandhi Ji’s life, his role in India’s freedom struggle, and his philosophy of non-violence. Use age-appropriate materials and interactive activities to make learning engaging.

5. Quilling Activity on Discrimination

Engage students in a quilling activity to create artwork representing different shades of society and the importance of ending discrimination, echoing Gandhi Ji’s message of equality for all.

6. Inspiring Stories of Gandhi Ji

Share inspiring stories from Gandhi Ji’s life that demonstrate his principles of truth, non-violence, and simplicity. These stories can inspire students to emulate Gandhi Ji’s values in their lives.

7. Gandhi Quiz and Discussions

Organize quizzes and group discussions about Gandhi Ji’s life, teachings, and contributions to India’s independence movement. Encourage students to delve deeper into Gandhi Ji’s philosophy.

8. Reflective Activities

Organize activities where students talk about how they can use Gandhi Ji’s principles in their everyday lives. Encourage them to think of ways to promote peace and harmony in their communities.

9. Positive Thinking Exercises

Conduct exercises to promote positive thinking and empathy among students, aligning with 10. Gandhi Ji’s emphasis on compassion and understanding.

10. Community Service Projects

Encourage students to participate in community service projects such as cleanliness drives, tree plantations, or helping the underprivileged, reflecting Gandhi Ji’s emphasis on selfless service.

How do you celebrate Gandhi Jayanti?

Celebrating Gandhi Jayanti can be a profound and enriching experience, particularly within schools. Schools can orchestrate various activities such as prayer meetings and commemorative ceremonies. Similarly, these activities are mirrored in different cities by colleges, local government institutions, and socio-political organizations, collectively honoring the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi. Additionally, celebrating Gandhi Jayanti with the whole class of students is an incredible experience, as it brings more students together to celebrate, fostering a sense of unity and enjoyment.


Gandhi Jayanti is more than just a holiday. It’s a chance to teach students about the values of truth, non-violence, and peace. By using creative ideas for school celebrations, we can honor Gandhi Ji’s legacy and inspire future leaders. Celebrating Gandhi Jayanti should go beyond just one day; it’s about fostering a mindset of positivity, compassion, and service all year round.

Here at Ratnam, we focus on providing a holistic education for your child.

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