The vision of our primary school is to give an academically well lettered and arithmetic education along with a fun and happy environment; to foster their talents. Our talented pool of dedicated and upskilled staff constantly involve with the children to fulfill this endeavour.

- Topic wise material is given. Please check the material for the contents.
- 5 lessons are taught along with material.
- Rest of the lessons are taught without material.
- Creative writing book is given. Please encourage children to write some more tasks on their own at home.

- An elaborate Grammar book is given.
- Lots of exercises of different varieties are included.
- As the exercises provide plenty of sentences, reading habit can be developed. Please make use of it.
- A separate exam is conducted.

- Term-wise material is given.
- Material is based on ‘writing’ and ‘reading’.

- Topic-wise (Chapter wise) Maths books are given. These books will have (a) detailed explanation and (b) classwork content.
- Period-wise Homework booklets are given. This is a unique programme and indigenous of ours. The purpose of these booklets is to check the student’s understanding of the subject.
- Revision: After every chapter, 2 revision periods with worksheets are given to revise the concepts.
- Slip Test: A slip test is conducted at the end of every chapter, soon after revision is completed.
- IMO (International Maths Olympiad) model questions is tested for every chapter, after Slip Test is conducted.
- Discussion: IMO and Slip Test are discussed for a period time.

- Textbook is given.
- Term-wise material is given which are of International module. Please check the contents of the material.
- Visual Science: Each Science concept is explained in the form of visuals (pictures) for the classes 1 & 2
- Science Olympiad questions are given for Classes 3, 4, 5. Please make the children read the questions very often.
- Science Practicals are conducted for classes 1-5 in majority of the lessons.
- Practical test is conducted – term-wise.
- SEMINAR – Science seminar is conducted. Some lessons in Science are given for seminar after a brief teaching.
- QUIZ – Annual Science Quiz is conducted.

- Textbook is given.
- Term-wise material is given which are of International module. Please check the contents of the material.
- Visual Social: Visuals (pictures) are extensively used to explain each and every concept for the classes 1 & 2.
- Social Olympiad questions are given for Classes 3, 4, 5. Please make the children read the questions very often.
- SEMINAR – Social seminar is conducted. Some lessons in Social are given for seminar after a brief teaching.
- QUIZ – Annual Social Quiz is conducted.
- MAP BOOK – Language of Maps book is given for Classes 3, 4, 5. Maps related to majority of the lessons are given in a very detailed way. This is very unique to these schools.

- Computer teaching is all about learning the practical aspects of computers.
- The basics of operating a computer is taught – 2 periods are allotted.

Every period will have a different topic.
One period will be given to discuss the questions given.
And the next period that follows, a test will be conducted.
- For classes 1 & 2, GK will be conducted as Orals.
- For classes 3, 4 and 5, both oral and written GK are followed.
- Oral Quiz: At the year end, there will be an oral Quiz.
The class will be divided into different groups.
GK Quiz will be conducted among the groups.

- Two unit tests are conducted in Telugu, Hindi, English, Maths, Science, Social and English Grammar.
- Three terminal tests (Quarterly, Half-yearly and Annual) are conducted. Subjects are – Telugu, Hindi, English, Maths, Science, Social and English Grammar.
- Oral tests in Telugu, Hindi and English are conducted during Quarterly, Half-yearly and Annual.
- Values & Life Skills tests are conducted (classes 1-5) – three tests.
- Science Practical tests are conducted (classes 3-5) – three tests.
- Science & Social Olympiad tests are conducted (classes 3-5) – three tests.
- NOTE: Kindly note that question papers will be read out for classes 1 & 2. Jumbling of students is followed from class 3 onwards from UT 1. For classes 1 & 2, jumbling is followed as per the needs.

Before & After Exams
- Revision days are given for the Unit Tests and Terminal Tests.
- Worksheets for Revision are given for Terminal Tests.
- Remedial work is done.
- Progress card is issued as well as Exam file. Evaluated (corrected) papers will be sent for your reference and checking.
- Oral Quiz: At the year end, there will be an oral Quiz.
The class will be divided into different groups.
GK Quiz will be conducted among the groups.
Supplements To Academics

- Homework is carefully scheduled.
- We made sure that reading, writing, and working are covered.
- Please make sure that children do the work on their own as much as possible – try to be as a guide.

Study Hour Programme
- Study hours exist in the school after school hours. (Please find the timings from your school principal.
- Kindly contact the Principal how a child is selected for the study-hour programme.
- Make sure to pack some snacks in case your child is in study-hour programme.

Handwriting Development (Ukg)
- Children who need handwriting improvement are identified.
- A programme is set for them to improve their handwriting.
- Children are asked to stay in the evening after school hours till their handwriting is improved.
- Even during the day, children are made to write at leisure times.
- Regular check on the Handwriting of all the students is conducted and action is taken.

Slow-learners Improvement – Study-hour Programme
Refer Study Hour Programme

Reading Development
- Children are made to read the lesson (aloud) in each subject during teaching hours.
- Children with reading difficulty are identified.
- A special programme is planned for improvement.
- Comprehension passages are given so as to improve the reading and understanding.

Talent Tests & Competitions
- Children are encouraged to write Talent Tests to get a real-time experience of Competitive exams.
- Children are also made to participate in any competition – outside the school.