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How to Encourage Children to Engage with Newspapers

How to Encourage Children to Engage with Newspapers

In today’s fast-paced digital world, where screens dominate our daily lives, encouraging street smarts in kids has never been more necessary. While the internet provides rich knowledge resources, conventional newspapers serve as very important instruments in acquiring basic life skills. Nevertheless, it can be quite difficult to make young people read newspapers in today’s generation that is surrounded by technology.

10 Tips for Parents & Teachers to Encourage Curiosity in Children

To make your children more interested in reading newspapers, teachers and parents could do it in these ten basic ways:

1. Lead by Example: Children often emulate the behaviors of adults around them. Therefore, one of the most effective ways to encourage newspaper reading is by modeling the behaviour ourselves. Let children see you reading the newspaper regularly, discussing articles, and expressing curiosity about current events. Your enthusiasm for newspapers will likely pique their interest and motivate them to explore the medium themselves.

2. Make it Interactive: Turn newspaper reading into a fun and interactive activity for children. Instead of simply handing them the newspaper, involve them in the process. Ask them to choose articles that interest them, encourage them to share their thoughts and opinions, and engage in discussions about the news. You can also incorporate games and quizzes based on newspaper content to make the experience more enjoyable.

3. Choose Age-Appropriate Content: Tailor the newspaper reading experience to suit the age and interests of the children. For younger children, select articles with colorful visuals and simple language that capture their attention. Older children can explore more complex topics and engage with opinion pieces and editorials. Providing age-appropriate content ensures that children find the newspaper engaging and relevant to their lives.

4. Integrate Technology: While promoting newspaper reading, leverage technology to enhance the experience. Many newspapers offer digital editions and interactive features that appeal to tech-savvy children. Explore digital newspaper platforms that provide multimedia content, interactive articles, and engaging visuals. Integrating technology into the newspaper reading experience can make it more appealing and accessible to children accustomed to digital devices. Dr. Kishore’s Ratnam Schools pay special attention to framing its students into well-rounded individuals, they want to inculcate the habit of reading whilst also ensuring that the students remain tech-savvy and have the knowledge to use the right resources for their own benefits. That’s why it is one of the top schools in Tirupati because they encourage students to look not only at local newspapers but also international resources to get various points of view on a niche topic which promotes their critical thinking skills.

5. Create a Reading Routine: Establishing a consistent reading routine can help instill the habit of newspaper reading in children. Set aside dedicated time each day or week for newspaper reading sessions. Make it a part of their daily or weekly schedule, similar to other activities like homework or sports practice. Consistency is key to forming habits, and a regular reading routine will gradually integrate newspaper reading into children’s lives.

Related: Important topics for Students to Read in the Newspaper

6. Connect News to Real-Life Experiences: Help children understand the relevance of news to their everyday lives by making connections to real-life experiences. Discuss how current events impact their community, school, or family. Encourage them to relate news stories to their own experiences and consider how they would respond in similar situations. By linking news to their personal experiences, children develop a deeper understanding of its significance and relevance.

7. Encourage Exploration and Curiosity: Foster a sense of curiosity and exploration in children by encouraging them to explore different sections of the newspaper. Encourage them to delve into topics they find interesting, whether it’s sports, science, or arts and culture. Allow them to follow their curiosity and pursue topics that capture their imagination. By empowering children to explore diverse content, you nurture their natural curiosity and broaden their knowledge horizons.

8. Celebrate Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate children’s efforts and achievements in newspaper reading. Praise them for their curiosity, critical thinking, and engagement with current events. Create a positive and supportive environment that encourages children to continue their newspaper reading journey. Consider implementing rewards or incentives for consistent newspaper reading habits, such as a special outing or a small treat.

9. Engage in Follow-Up Activities: Extend the newspaper reading experience beyond the pages by engaging in follow-up activities. Encourage children to write summaries or reflections on articles they’ve read, create artwork inspired by news stories, or stage debates on current issues. These follow-up activities reinforce learning, encourage critical thinking, and deepen children’s engagement with the news.

10. Provide Guidance and Support: Lastly, offer guidance and support as children navigate the world of newspapers. Answer their questions, clarify any confusing concepts, and facilitate discussions on complex topics. Be a resource for children as they explore the news and develop their understanding of the world around them. Your guidance and support will help children navigate the complexities of news media and develop critical thinking skills.

How Dr. Kishore’s Ratnam Schools Promote the Habit of Reading via Newspapers

Reading is incredibly important for students because it helps them gain knowledge, use their imagination, and think critically. When students read, they can discover new ideas, understand different viewpoints, and learn new words. It’s not just about doing well in school; reading improves performance in all subjects and encourages a lifelong passion for learning. Plus, it exposes students to different cultures and ways of life, making them more empathetic and understanding. Ultimately, reading prepares students to tackle the challenges of life and achieve success in whatever they choose to do. This is why Dr. Kishore’s Ratnam Schools is the top schools in Tirupati to enroll your child in if you’d like to see them enter the world with flying colours.


While digital technology continues to reshape how we access information, newspapers remain a valuable tool for fostering street smarts in children. By employing these strategies, parents, educators, and caregivers can encourage children to engage with newspapers and develop essential life skills in today’s digital age. Through newspaper reading, children not only gain knowledge of current events but also cultivate critical thinking, curiosity, and awareness of the world around them.

Here at Ratnam, we focus on providing a holistic education for your child.

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